Welcome to Humthrush, a website that I launched in July 2022.
A bit about me: I am a professional journalist with over 25 years of experience. You can find my bylines in many places, most recently in Rolling Stone, Pitchfork, The Wire, and KQED. I’ve been making blogs, zines, and email newsletters since the late ’90s. In addition to Humthrush, two of my legacy websites remain online. I published Plug One, a blog focused on indie rap culture, between 2006 and 2011. The second, Kitchen Sink Archives, is a repository for a Bay Area culture magazine I helped launch in 2002. You can find material from now-offline projects in the Archives section.
Mustafa Muwwakkil designed the site. His team includes illustrator Ayana Muwwakkil — she’s responsible for the wonderful thrush drawings — and developers Lenmuel del Rosa and Billy Reiner. A friend of mine, Ray Weitzenberg, provided additional assistance and advice. Special thanks to Allied Media Projects for helping sponsor the project.
Please send any inquiries and comments to humthrush@gmail.com. I am always open to discovering new music and cultural happenings, but I cannot promise coverage. If I choose to write about a subject, I cannot guarantee that my assessment will be positive or negative. I am focused on hip-hop-adjacent culture for Humthrush, but that is subject to change. I recommend checking out the site’s contents before contacting me about ideas.
Humthrush will always be free to everyone. If you like what you see, leave a tip at ko-fi.com/humthrush. Again, please note that any tips will be taken as a gesture of support for my work, not as tacit compensation for coverage. I appreciate your presence here.
— Mosi Reeves