The 125 Best Rap Singles of 1994
By 1994, hip-hop had clearly evolved into a generational movement. But its innocent sensibility was lost in the process.
By 1994, hip-hop had clearly evolved into a generational movement. But its innocent sensibility was lost in the process.
The Best Rap Singles series began in 2020 and has undergone changes in the years since. This list of entries shows what’s been removed.
Few seem to know that one of the key brands in the 1992 film Juice is Valentino, Inc, a now-defunct library music company.
The year 1993 reflected the music industry’s “see if it sticks” approach to rap, resulting in a boundless variety of peaks and valleys.
By 1990, hip-hop culture had inspired regional scenes across the United States. A series of maps attempted to mark the changes.
With his debut solo single, it was clear that 2Pac would be a very different artist from his Digital Underground crew.
The year marked the beginning of the second half of the “golden era,” when the genre’s greatest peaks and worst tragedies were just beyond the horizon.
As I spent the weekend revisiting Company Flow’s Funcrusher Plus, I began to wonder…what other records did I spin as an amateur DJ in 1997?
Of all the years when rap music grew into a global movement – the golden age years – 1991 may be the most difficult to summarize.
In an essay originally written for Maura magazine, the 1996 renaissance of female rappers resonates as a time of missed opportunity.
Chubb Rock’s reputation as a solid, oft-underrated contributor to hip-hop’s golden era is belied by his best-known hit.
Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E., a Samoan family band from Los Angeles, are fondly remembered for their memorable role in early West Coast hip-hop.